jeka's Daycare

We provide recurring daycare for your dog, providing safe socialization, education and exercise.

Or Call +9950322770011



For many pet parents, leaving their furry family member for the first time can be a stressful experience. jeka's professionally trained team goes the extra mile to calm both dogs and their parents. We'll care for your pup as if they're our own and treat them like the really big deal they are! At our dog daycare facilities, we treat your pup to fun-filled days of safe socialization with other dogs, interactions with our caring team, exercise, and the opportunity to burn off plenty of their pent-up energy.

The jeka's day


Join our team

If you love pets and want exciting work, apply to be a Jeka Team member Pet Care Provider! We train every team member and provide ongoing support to help you get the most from your experience.


Home page

It's not just another home page, it's HOME!


We're the perfect home for your dog when they need a sleepover stay.
